Dr. Marco Thiruselvam
B.M.E. (University Malaya, Malaysia); BMM (JAMA, Japan);
Ph.D., Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (TNAU, Coimbatore INDIA)
Hi, this is Dr. Marco Thiruselvam with Green Wave Products and I am going to talk about growing tips with AgriPOWER HGDF.
Before I get into the actual usage tips, I would like to cover some basics on plants’ need for fertilizer.
Soil and sunshine help make plants grow. Dropping leaves, animal and other organic substances that fall on the soil are broken down continually to replenish soil nutrients as food for the growing plants.
Then why do we need to add fertilizers?
The reason is simple, there isn’t enough organic material to provide the necessary nutrients for the plants’ proper growth. Plants compete for nutrients and natural replenishment are sparse, hence the need to add fertilizers to soil or spray over the plants so that the plants keep growing.
According to a survey, less than half of the home gardeners in the US use any kind of fertilizer on their lawns or gardens.
What’s unfortunate about this statistic is that it means gardeners aren’t getting as as much produce as they should.
Disease and insect problems are some of the struggles the farmers face and all these problems could be avoided. Plants that are well-fed are healthier, more productive, less affected by insects and more beautiful.
I’m going to cover the basics of why and how to fertilize your garden:
- Most soil does not provide the essential nutrients required for optimum growth therefore plants need to be fertilized. Even with great garden soil, as your plants grow, they take up nutrients and the soil becomes less fertile .
- Those great tomatoes and beautiful roses that you grew last year took nutrients from the soil to build those plant tissues.
- By applying fertilizers to your garden, lost nutrients are replenished and this year’s plants will have the food they need to grow healthy and give good yields.
Let’s talk about Organic vs. Synthetic
Do plants really care where they get their nutrients?
- Yes, because organic and synthetic fertilizers provide nutrients in different ways. Organic fertilizers are made from naturally occurring mineral deposits and organic material, such as bone or plant meal or composted manure or seaweed or humic acid or fulvic acid.
- On the other hand, Synthetic fertilizers are made by chemically processing raw materials.
- AgriPOWER HGDF stimulates beneficial soil microorganisms and improves the structure of the soil. Soil microbes play an important role in converting organic material in AgriPOWER HGDF into soluble nutrients that can be absorbed by your plants. AgriPOWER HGDF will provide all the secondary and micronutrients your plants need.
This is because AgriPOWER works in 3 ways when sprayed onto the leaves and stems and also on the soil. First as a foliar fertiliser where the nutrients are absorbed immediately, second as a soil rejuvenator and third by supplying the nutrients via the roots in more slow acting form.
Think of synthetic fertilisers as steroids as they give plants a quick boost but do little to improve soil texture, stimulate soil micro-organisms, or improve your soil’s long-term fertility.
Because synthetic fertilizers are highly water-soluble, they can also leach out into streams and ponds and cause considerable damage.
Feeding your plants by building the soil with AgriPOWER HGDF will provide long term health benefits to your garden. This will give you soil that is rich in organic matter and teeming with microbial life.
Foliar Feeding
Plants can absorb nutrients 8 to 20 times more efficiently through their leaf surfaces than through their roots. As a result, spraying foliage with AgriPOWER HGDF liquid nutrients can produce remarkable yields.
For best results, spray plants during their critical growth stages such as transplanting time, blooming time and just after fruit sets.
For detailed application instruction, please check with your local distributor or the application instruction that came with your purchase of AgriPOWER HGDF or online under “Information Avenue” and then Application ratios.
A lot of people ask me about pH and its relationship to soil nutrients…
Some nutrients cannot be absorbed by plants if the soil pH is too high or too low, even if your soil has enough nutrients in it. For most plants, soil pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0. A soil test will measure the pH of your soil. You can send a sample to a lab or buy a home kit and do it yourself. Lime or wood ash can be used to raise pH; sulfur or aluminum sulfate can lower pH.
Keep in mind that it’s best to raise or lower soil pH slowly over the course of a year or two. Dramatic adjustments can result in the opposite extreme, which may be worse than what you started with.
Once again, a helpful solution is to apply AgriPOWER HGDF. AgriPOWER HGDF moderates soil pH and is one of the best ways to maintain the 6.5 ideal.
Fertilizers offered by Green Wave Products are either all-organic, or contain primarily organic materials.
To build the long-term health and fertility of your soil, we recommend using AgriPOWER HGDF. AgriPOWER HGDF ensures that your plants have the nutrients they need when they’re in active growth.
Now that you have purchased AgriPOWER HGDF and would like to know some important tips on maximizing AgriPOWER HGDF’s usage and potential, I am going to tell you how:
- First and foremost, ensure that you only dilute the recommended dosage as per the packing or as detailed in the resource page
- Some of you might feel that it is too little, but trust me, using more than the recommended dosage will only stunt the growth of your plants.
- When spraying on your plants, make sure that you give it a light spray rather than wetting the plant.
- Spray about a third on the leaves and stems and the rest onto the soil around the plant. DO NOT spray on flowers or buds.
- You can either spray before watering the plant or after. Remember, do not wet spray the plants. AgriPower is highly concentrated and even in its diluted form is very potent.
- The time of the spraying is vital too. Make sure you spray early in the morning before the sun gets hot or during sunset. This is because in the early morning and during sunset, the pores or stomatas in leaves are open and able to absorb the fertilizer more effectively.
- Do not spray during midday sun as this would cause spotting on the leaves as the liquid will dry up fast and concentrated nutrients will remain on the leaves and this can cause burn or spotting.
- If by accident, you over-sprayed or used higher dosage than the recommended dosage, flush the plants with water. The plants should be fine.
As for storage, do not store AgriPower HGDF under direct sunlight, best would be to store in a shed under normal temperatures.
AgriPower HGDF in its powder form can be stored during winters without any need for a heated room.
I guess that’s about it for growing tips with Green Wave Products. Please consult with your distributor or contact Green Wave Products via our website if you have any questions with regards to the usage of AgriPower HGDF.
Bye for now….Dr. Marco Thiruselvam