Tips for Nutrient Rich Soil

Use These 3 Tips to Improve Soil Nutrient Levels

In agriculture, growers must work with quality earth that contains healthy levels of soil nutrients. When striving to grow lush, healthy plants that produce favourable yields, soil nutrient quality must be high. 

It’s no secret that keeping soil ripe with fertile nutrients – such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, requires effort and care. However, soil nutrients are often quickly depleted due to natural elements, poor farming practices, and inappropriate fertilizer product selections. 

Selecting the right nutrient-enhancing products for your soil, monitoring soil and plant health, and increasing your fertilizer efficiency can help to maintain soil fertility for many years. This is especially important to encourage long-term quality plant nutrition and greater harvest yields. 

This article shares proven tips growing professionals can use in an effective soil nutrient management program.

Take a Long-Term Approach to Soil Nutrient Management

Soil nutrient management is most effective when a long-term approach is adopted. One technique for creating a sustainable soil nutrient management strategy, with built-in longevity, is to select fertilizers that boost nutrient content, soil texture, and soil health. This way, you can nourish and uplift your land’s health for years, not just for one season.

Use Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers 

Examples of fertilizers that can be instrumental as part of a long-term, sustainable, soil nutrient management strategy include the organic Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers available from Green Wave Products. These high-performing products are developed to improve soil health. For example, they can prevent the loss of vital soil nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium.

Prevent Soil Nutrient Depletion

Soil structure and nutrient integrity are essential to growing nutrient-dense vegetation. Soil is negatively impacted by chemically-based farming products that are low in organic matter content. Chemical fertilizers have been proven to pollute soils and cause the depletion of crucial plant-producing nutrients. 

Agricultural chemical products can also speed up natural processes that further deplete soil nutrients. Erosional forces, leaching, and soil pH imbalance can be amplified further when low-quality, environmentally unfriendly fertilizing products are used.

A simple, cost-effective method to limit soil pollution and retain nutrient content in soil is to move away from inorganic and harsh fertilizer formulations. Opting for clean, nutrient-dense organic formulations that serve to heal and regenerate damaged soils will lead to better crop production for years to come.

Know Your Soil’s Needs

Knowing what is – and isn’t, in your soil is key to understanding its health and fertility. Without a thorough understanding of the structure and components of the earth you’re working with, it isn’t easy to address its unique needs. Testing your soil is the best way to understand what macronutrients, micronutrients, and soil minerals your patch of earth needs.

Soil Testing Frequency

The frequency that you should test your soil depends on numerous factors. According to the University of Tennessee’s Institute of Agriculture, soil testing should be done on all crop types anytime a nutrient deficiency is detected or at the start of crop rotation. 

More crop-specific soil testing guidelines include:

  • Continuous Row Crops – every two to three years
  • Double cropping systems – every two years
  • Continuous No-Till (Soybeans only) – every three to five years
  • Continuous Corn or Cotton – every two years
  • Hay – every two years
  • Cash crops (vegetables, tobacco) – annually

After testing your soil, you’ll have a better understanding of how to use organic materials to improve your land’s health and well-being. 

Apply Fertilizers More Efficiently

The method used to apply an organic fertilizer will impact how well your chosen product will maintain and improve your soil’s nutrient content. There are several different ways to add fertilizer to a field, a crop, home garden, or lawn environment. Not every method is right for every fertilizer.

The methods for applying fertilizers vary based on the type of fertilizer being used, the product’s mode of action, the point during the growing season they are added, and the size of land being fertilized. One method that best supports organic, enhanced efficiency fertilizers that promote nitrogen fixation and nutrient uptake is foliar feeding.

Foliar Feeding

“Foliar feeding” is the term used to describe the application of liquid fertilizer directly to the leaves, stems, and flowers of a plant and about 30% to the soil around the plants. When using AgriPOWER’s organic HGDF fertilizer, foliar feeding enables the nutrients to be absorbed directly by the plant’s foliage.

This type of fertilizer application benefits both the plant and the soil where it’s grown. First, the plant is exposed to the essential macro and micronutrients it needs to produce lush vegetation. Then, after harvest, the falling foliage and vegetation debris that decomposes in the soil will replenish nutrients to the ground to feed beneficial soil organisms and improve future crops.

Organic Methods Improve Soil Nutrients Naturally

For a more efficient, sustainable, and successful way to maintain soil nutrients, rely on methods that are beneficial to both your land and the environment. Opting for fertilizing products that produce healthier plants, achieving increased crop yields, and are safe for the environment is attainable with organic, highly efficient fertilizers.

For more information on how Green Wave Products can benefit your agriculture endeavors, contact our team.

Sustainable agriculture with EEF - Green Wave

Sustainable Agriculture: How EEFs Provide A Clear Path

When shifting away from industrial, chemical-based farming methods towards holistic, sustainable agriculture practices, the path required for a successful transition isn’t always clear. And, finding the right balance between maintaining profitable production yields and implementing new farming techniques can feel risky.

However, it’s not impossible. Here at Green Wave, we are continually helping farmers, gardeners, and agronomists transition successfully from a dependency on chemical fertilizers to sustainably based farming methods. 

In this article, we’re going to share how EEF’s can be instrumental to the success of sustainable agriculture practices that will likely benefit future generations.

What is an EEF?

High-performing, organic-based fertilizers are part of the family of fertilizers known as Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEFs). They are designed to prevent nutrient loss and improve soil quality, both key factors for the creation of more sustainable food systems in the United States, and across the globe.

For farmers, gardeners, and agronomists that endeavour to maintain sustainable agricultural practices, EEFs are extremely useful. This is because these fertilizers can be instrumental in the development of a strong and healthy soil foundation. And, good soil health is necessary for long-term sustainable farming methods to be successful. Additionally, EEFs are known for improving crop productivity as well as enhancing plant health.

Sustainable Agriculture Practices Need EEFs

EEFs are ideal for sustainable agriculture practices such as crop rotations, no-till farming, and management of water resources. They improve soil health, reduce nutrient loss, nourish plants efficiently, and pollute less. Essentially, EEFs support key elements of sustainable farming methods, including:

  • Soil regeneration
  • Nutrient cycling
  • Nitrogen fixation

Soil Regeneration and EEFs

When soil is depleted of nutrients it simply cannot easily grow healthy plants. And, when a soil’s quality lowers, it can have devastating effects on a farmer’s livelihood and food production abilities.

Understand Your Soil’s Health

When looking for a better way to grow crops, organic food, medicinal plants, and other renewable resources, it’s important to review the quality and health of your soil. 

DIY Soil Testing Kit

For home gardeners and small scale farmers, conducting tests on your soil can be easily done with at-home soil testing kits, found at most agricultural supply stores. These simple tests can provide important information about the quality of your soil including pH (acidity/alkalinity), nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Laboratory Testing

Farmers who want a more in-depth and thorough analysis of their soil can outsource that task to a scientific laboratory specializing in soil chemistry analysis. While the cost of soil analysis by a professional laboratory is more than a simple, at-home testing kit, it will provide a thorough and detailed profile of your soil.

Employ the Right Fertilizer

Once you understand what your soil is lacking, it’s easier to amend it to become well-nourished and fertile again. The use of precision farming systems alongside a quality, organic-based fertilizer is a reasonable and potent approach towards soil regeneration.

Quality EEFs from AgriPOWER are ideal for improving the health of your soil. This is because they assist beneficial bacteria in the soil with the breaking down of organic-based matter present in the land into humus. Also, an AgriPOWER fertilizer provides additional long-term benefits by providing atmospheric nitrogen for plants and nutrients in the soil.

EEFs and Nutrient Cycling

What is Nutrient Cycling?

Nutrient cycling is the name used to describe the natural life cycle of soil. Similar to the water cycle, nutrient cycling involves the introduction of nutrients into the soil by decomposing organic matter, the uptake of those nutrients by plants and organisms from the soil, and the return of nutrients with the return of organic matter in the form of natural biological waste products.

The Importance of Nutrient Cycling and Sustainable Agriculture

Modern methods of farming have relied heavily on chemical fertilizers that have interfered with the natural nutrient cycling process. Examples of this include soils that are lacking in nitrogen, water retention abilities, and the presence of healthy bacteria.

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers Promote Nutrient Cycling

When soil is healthy, it’s able to fully support and demonstrate all aspects of the nutrient cycle. This inevitably leads to soil that’s able to consistently produce healthy plants without the use of chemically derived amendments.

EEFs are an excellent option to use when regenerating poor quality and deficient soil. AgriPOWER® foliar fertilizer aids in the prevention of soil erosion, increases water retention in soil, and helps maintain a healthy growth (CFU) of beneficial soil bacteria, which in turn increases soil fertility and pH.

EEFs and Nitrogen Fixation

Nitrogen fixation is vital for farmers who employ traditional or sustainable farming practices. According to the Department of Agriculture, reducing the levels of nitrogen-based pollutants that leach from chemical fertilizers is important for the protection of local and global ecosystems.

EEFs are an excellent way to reduce the levels of nitrogen being introduced through agricultural practices and accommodate natural nitrogen fixation processes. Through a microbiological process known as biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), enhanced efficiency fertilizers may provide atmospheric nitrogen to the plants and microorganisms in the soil.

Sustainable Agriculture and EEFs: Take The First Step

For sustainable agriculture practices to be successful, making the health of your soil a top priority is absolutely essential. Without healthy soil to support and nourish your crop, it can be difficult to grow quality crops without relying on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, when an organic-based, high-performing fertilizer is employed alongside precision farming methods, sustainable agriculture and generous yields are both possible.

Featured image by Alejandro Barrón from Pexels